Monday, 4 March 2013

Principles of Effective Communication

Assignment 2 Task 2 (P2)
Effective Communication

Include an explanation of the principles of effective communication.

A two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party. Effective communication by business managers facilitates information sharing between company employees and can substantially contribute to its commercial success.

General Communication Skills

Introduction- General Communication is the transmission of information from one person to someone else through the use of various methods such as sending emails and letter writing among others to achieve mutual understanding feedback.

Communication processes need an audience to communicate the message to. The success of the message will be determined by:
  • Cultural Difference e.g. Christian vs. Arab
  •  Adapting to suit an audience
  •  Accuracy
  •  Engaging the audience
  •  Question and answer
Choose 2 of these general skills and write about them:

     1. Adapting to suit an audience
  • People have to adapt to suit different audiences which they are presenting their work which include children and adults.
  •  For children you will have to talk in a way that reaches out to them and that they can understand what you are saying.
  •  You must also tell the truth to your audience because no one will want to listen to you and you will lose credibility.
  • Other things which might be involved when you trying to suit an audience is their gender, culture and their intelligence.
2. Cultural differences- There are many different cultural differences which might be between you and your audience. You must be careful with the signs which you do to people who are of a different culture because it might be ok to people of some cultures but offensive to other ones.  
One example of a sign which may be offensive is the use of a finger or hand to indicate to people to come over to you. This is a sign used to beckon dogs in some cultures and this is offensive. Finally before you talk to someone of a different culture you must know the differences, learn their culture before engaging with them and use a translator.

Interpersonal Skills

Introduction- Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages with it being face to face communication. It is also not just through what people say but it is sent through your tone of voice, facial expressions and gestures.

Choose 2 interpersonal skills and write about them:
1. Technique and cues
2. Positive language
3. Negative language
4. Active engagement

1. Techniques and Cues
  • When you are expressing your emotions in a verbal communication you be using different tones. If you have a raised voice people will see that you are angry at something and you will have a low voice when you are scared of something.
  •  If you are having a face to face conversation with someone you might fold your arms to show that you are not happy with the other person or you might put you thumb up at someone to show that you are being friendly.
  • While someone who is unsighted will not be able to see what gestures the other person is doing during face to face conversations. But this person can hear pauses in the conversation.


2. Positive Language
  • It is good for people to show a positive language because other people will see that you are a friendly and polite person and they will want to talk to you. Another way in which you can have a positive language is by saying yes to someone which will that you are agreeing with them.
  •  Finally you can also show a positive language without talking by smiling, waving at someone and using emotions like J 

Written Communication Skills

Written communication is very different from other forms of communication. It requires special skills in the construction of the message- not least, the ability to handwrite or type. It also requires a good knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a language (such as English) so that the written word conveys the intended message to the audience. You cannot use visual cues such as hand or gestures.

Choose 2 written communication skills and write about them (P20)

Smiley’s or Emotions
Key messages
Grammar and Spelling
Structure of the piece of writing
Identifying relevance
Alternative viewpoints
Note taking and summarizing

1. Smiley’s or Emotions
  • Smiley’s or Emotions can be used when you are chatting to someone on Facebook and this will show the other person what sort of mood you are in.
  •  Now a day’s people use Smiley’s or Emotions when they sending a text message to someone or on a social networking site like Facebook.
  •  Below you can see some of the different Emotions which you can use social networking sites.
2. Grammar and Spelling

Grammar and Spelling is another important written communication skill which you need to have because other people will be able to read and understand what you are writing. This is also important in written communication because from your grammar and spelling the reader will form an opinion of you. Mistakes in your work will show that you are unprofessional and some of the things which you can use to break up your sentences are commas and full stops.

Adapting to suit your audience
You have to assess your audience before you decide how many and what type of communication methods to use and what your subject is that you are trying to communicate.

The communication Process
The 6 steps of the communication process

The effective communication process is a six step cycle; you can break down the communication which includes you sending a message or you might become confused through the steps.

Occasionally the symbolic message will not be clear in our own brain, and yet we still expect other people to know what we mean!

Then the encoding, sending, and decoding phases will provide opportunities for errors and misunderstandings which people make in the process.

In the fifth step, the receiver has to transfer the message and it will decide what it means based on their own values, beliefs, filters, and memories.

If any of these steps fails, the result will be confusion, conflict, and frustration for people.

Electronic Book page 15-18

Academic Books
Anderson et al “Information Technology Level 3 Book 1 Btec National” Pearson 2010

Websites Alan Chapman 2001-2011  (Effective Use of IT for communication D Brown 2010 Communication Image 2010

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